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Landscaping Tips For Fire Prevention

Redwood-deck-in-landscaped-backyardThe wet winter months typically present low fire danger. However, winter rains bring moisture and nutrients to plants and trees helping them to grow in the spring and summer months, and potentially leading to ample fuel for forest fires later in the year. As such, it is never too early to think about landscaping tips for fire prevention. The primary method to help prevent fires around your home is to reduce fuel from landscaping, vegetation, and underbrush.

In the 30 or so feet immediately around your home, it is advisable to remove any dead vegetation and to keep all plants, trees and mulch regularly watered. If you have a lawn, keep it mowed, and ensure that trees are regularly pruned and dead limbs are removed. Any trees that overhang your home should be trimmed back as well.

In areas further away from your home, it is advisable to remove the accumulation of underbrush, leaves and other flammable debris and dispose of these materials safely. If you have a fireplace or wood burning stove, you should store firewood away from your home. Any landscaping on the periphery of your property should be irrigated or regularly watered.

If you have a redwood deckredwood fence or redwood garden structure, or are planning to build with redwood, you can rest assured in the knowledge that redwood meets California’s tough building codes for Wildland Urban Interface areas. Redwood has earned Class B compliance and may be used to build outdoor structures in fire-prone, residential and commercial areas throughout the state. You may download an informative brochure regarding redwood’s fire performance here.

For additional landscaping tips for fire prevention, these sites provide excellent information and resources:

Smokey Bear

Firewise Communities

A list of products approved for California’s Wildland Urban Interface areas may be downloaded here:

Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Products